Fund Risk Reporting Solution

Take your fund risk reports to the next level

Accelerate regulatory reporting, risk calculations and data management. Use the most advanced cloud-based technologies to power every stage of the fund lifecycle.

Our activities are structured around two poles of activity:

  • Risk Management Consulting: we advise and implement the best solutions to measure, report and manage your risks. We deploy a whole project team accountable to deliver the solution or we dedicate seasoned expert to support your team under your supervision
  • Risk and Regulatory Reporting : Keops offers regulatory reporting (UCITS risk reporting, AIFMD Annex IV, PRIIPS, SCR, etc.), performance analysis, and risk management reports..
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Unveiling Keops
Facts and Figures from



3271 share classes for total AUM 2.83B €



Including the PRIIPs calculations, UCITS risk reporting, Annex IV and TPT


ESG Factsheet & Factsheet Risk Figures

Risk measures including Alpha, R-Squared, Rolling period performance and more

DATA DRIVEN FUND risk reporting

Risk and Regulatory Reporting

Keops offers regulatory reporting (UCITS risk reporting, AIFMD Annex IV, PRIIPS, SCR, etc.), performance analysis, and risk management reports.

Risk Compliance & Models
Effective oversight of funds’ compliance with regulations and obligations
  • PRIIPs & UCITS risk including fund past & looking-forward performances
  • Market Risk Measure
  • SCR Market
  • Global Exposure (CESR 10-788)
  • RWA / CVA
We cover various models and a variety of regulatory frameworks.
  • UCITS IV Directive (2009/65/EC)
  • PRIIPs Regulation (1286/2014)
  • AIFMD Directive 2011/61/EU
  • CRR Regulation (EU) No 575/2013
  • Solvency II Directive 2009/138/EC
  • STS Regulation
Reporting & Market industry templates
Various market standard templates including CSSF, FinDatEx, and BVI standards
  • CSSF UCITS risk reporting
  • European PRIIPs Template
  • KVG reports including VAG reporting
  • TPT reports

How We Work ?

KEOPS fund risk engine is available as a Managed Service or SaaS for those looking for a solution to industrialize and outsource their existing processes such as third party management companies, asset services, and/or distributors.
"Data is the key"

Good data is the key to compliance, so we ensure that data collected is compliant with regulatory requirements

The data is uploaded using xlsx, csv, xml and json formats.
Perform the calculation of risk, performance and costs for the UCITS/AIF fund
"Review & validation"
The result can be reviewed and validated on-screen, and compared with previous reporting periods.
Platform's distribution module allows documents to be distributed to any defined recipient, platform, or destination

How We Onboard ?

Many things become much obvious after watching a fantastic product demo, but what happens next could still be unclear.

The Keops onboarding process is briefly explained in the following section. There shouldn't be any surprises if you've spoken with one of our Sales Specialists.
"Getting closer"

After contacting our Experts team and watching a demo of our risk engine, you’ll know quite a lot about our solution.
So, main actions will be as follow:

  • Introduction to the team and an overview of the onboarding process
  • Begin to schedule planning and integration
  • Agree on the services, scope and project timeline
  • Onsite/video meetings with your Client Service Manager
  • Finalise data requirements, calculation models, reporting templates
  • Sign-off on the joint project plan with clear milestones and target dates

So, the talks are done during kick-off and planning phases, the expectations and requirements are clear. We:

  • Ensure products and data requirements are in place.
  • Upload data and documentation.
  • Automate data upload into Keops systems.
  • Organise training for your key users for SaaS clients.
"Going Live"

We roll out the MVP for you. You check it out, validate the models, results, workflows, and make sure it’s all set. The going live tasks will consist of

  • Setup SLA for a BAU process.
  • Support through first production and early stages.
  • Introduction to BAU team in charge of answering your quieries.
  • Access to support teams.

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L-2522 Luxembourg
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